Tyranid Codex Review - HQ

The baby is sleeping so I have time to type. As promised, this is the second installment of my walkthrough of the nid codex. It is my opinion, which means I tend to see things from my perspective as a gamer. Your opinions may differ and I welcome the feedback. In reading these, the questions you should keep asking yourself (assuming you analyze this strategically as I do) is what is the purpose of this unit? What do I want them to do? All too often, you see armies (and units) that try to do too much. The problem is you can't do it all so you are throwing points into something that will not earn them back for you. Keep that in mind as you read on and it may help you in your decision making process.

Hive Tyrant
MC, 4 auto hitting Psy to choose from, numerous options to customize to needs of army, stat line and options built for cc, one of only two units that can get a 2+ save. Giving him two sets of scything talons means he will get to reroll all misses, especially helpful against those pesky fast vehicles you always need 6's hit on.
Cost is expensive the more bells and whistles you put on him. BS3 is not going to impress. People tend to know it is the big nasty, so they tend to target him first.
The HT is meant for cc and should be built as such. Paying over 200 pts for shooting that other units could do better is not the best use of his points. Given the amount of DS and OF units, foot slogging your HT has become less appealing from a tactical standpoint for me. Taking Hive Commander on your winged tyrant to get +1 Res (even when he is not on the table) and allow one TR to outflank (Tervigon anyone) seems to be a better choice. Even if you don't DS him, wings will get you where you want to go.....Close combat.

Tyrant Guard
Decent stat line and T6, so no worries about ID. Built for CC and will compliment a HT in CC. Allows your foot slogging tyrant to join a unit (even though he is a MC).
No ranged weapons. Spending a lot of points for a meat shield which will most likely not reach the enemy. Makes your HT an even bigger fire magnet.
I read a lot of people taking these guys and swearing by them to guard their walking HT but I just can't justify spending the points on something I know is not going to earn it's points back. Not a bad unit, just not the best use of points in my mind.

The Swarmlord
Numerous buffs and abilities that compliment your army. One extra WS, W, I than a regular HT. A MC specializing in cc and dealing with difficult units. Bonesabers are bad news for anyone on the receiving end. Sports an Inv save (albeit in cc only).
No upgrades can be bought. Very expensive. No Scything talons means he is less effective against vehicles than a regular HT.
His abilities and buffs have merit. He has no guns so it strictly a cc MC. I think he would be good at what he does, but his slowness warrants guard which would further increase his already hefty price tag. I also tend to send my MC after vehicles. Since he has no scything talons and his bone sabers lose their sting against vehicles, I don't think he fulfills the role I need for the price I would pay.

Lower cost for a MC. Spawns 3d6 termagaunts each movement phase. Passes any adrenal or toxin benefits to all TG w/in 6". Can be a troop choice if you buy a TG unit. 6 Wounds means it will stick around longer. Numerous options to pick from including giving a unit FNP for a turn.
WS and BS 3 with 3 A is not going to rock anyone's world. Initiative 1 makes it slow as dirt and a target for Space Wolves world wolf power (would kill on a 3+). When it dies all TG w/in 6" take S3 hits.
This is one of the units you will see a lot of people using (including me) because of it's benefits. A HT with Hive Commander will allow you to send one of these outflanking assuming you bought a termagaunt unit to make it a TR choice. The tervigon doesn't excel at cc or range so you could equip it for either purpose. It's best role is to stay close to it's babies and lend support (either ranged or cc).

Tyranid Prime (I prefer Alpha Warrior)
A reasonably priced IC. Can be equiped to eliminate characters. Gives a WS and BS buff to warrior unit he joins. A threat in cc.
Swinging at the same time as other characters but not having the stat line to take too much punishment. Provides no buffs to other units besides the Warrior unit he joins. Has no pys powers. Equipping for char killing (bone swords) means he is not as effective against vehicles (rend).
If you don't want to spend a lot of points on your HQ, this is your guy. He isn't bad at what he does and I could see a use in a warrior unit or even a gaunt unit lending cc support by targeting characters. Just don't expect too much out of him.

The Parasite of Mortrex
It has wings, is an IC and makes rippers when it kills people.
A lictor's stat line for an HQ choice (without a lot of the benefits). Will have trouble against anyone with a good armor save. Can be instakilled being T4.
If you love rippers and want to see how many you can make before it dies, this is your guy. IMO, there are better choices for the FOC and your points.

Several viable choices here makes your HQ slots interesting. I tend to lean toward the hive tyrant and tervigon due to their flexibility and what they can bring to the table for everyone else. I expect my HQ to be able to smash a tank if need be and stand tall in cc (for a turn or two anyway). I don't rely on them to be my gun boats, however. Save that for other more shooty units. Next time, I will talk about the EL choices and there are some good ones.