The best part is that they have sample sizes (3"x6") for sale on the cheap. I ordered up a batch of them and will see how the hold up and post up a review.
Anyone have any experience with this product? These look like they would make a great Warhammer 40k Battlemat for a scorched earth board.
Here is another link that i found on their website to another blog that wrote up a review.

From their website -
The Terra-Flex™ Sulfur Fields Gaming Mat is available in 4ft x 6ft (122cm x 183cm), 4ft x 4ft (122cm x 122cm), 3ft x 3ft (92cm x 92cm), 30in x 30in (76cm x 76cm), 2ft x 4ft (61cm x 122cm) and 2ft x 2ft (61cm x 61cm) sizes. These flexible battle boards can be spread out on the floor, draped over a small table, laid across your favorite gaming table, or even glued down on a permanent base. Once the game is over the mat can be easily rolled up and stored away in the convenient plastic sleeve that it was originally shipped in, taking up little more room than a folded up umbrella.