So if you were following the blog, you know Big D and I tried to build a dirty rotten list to take to the doubles tournament after we had our rears handed to us last year. We built a ordnance heavy dual lash prince list that was quite cheesey we felt. We were quite proud of our showing winning our first two games, and pulling out a squeaker third round fight against our nemesis from the Blade and Bolter boys. All fun games to be sure! After the three games, Big D and I were in a position tied for 3rd place.
What won? A list that made ours still look a bit on the soft side. This is the 1st place winning doubles army. It has 2 C'tan, 2 Monoliths, and a bucket load of scarabs. The Necrons stayed in reserved until necessary and then hid at the back of the board, making it difficult if not impossible to phase them out.
Monkey and Crosseyedjester played against this duo and took it on the chin! Its dirty, but as the Hogs of War always say, if its possible in the books - there is no such thing as cheese! What a great list!