Its worse than we remembered. They have to be the worst army in the game right now......
Before we had played, Big D and I had been discussing making a life sized banner similar to the one Jawaballs had made for his blood angels. When I offered up my initial design idea, Big D countered by altering the image to have a necron scarab in place of the Hogs of War symbol. He explained that the necron scarab was a mighty icon meant to strike fear into the hearts of our foes, without going to over the top by featuring something more threatening like a necron warrior.
It was almost like it was a portent of things to come. Like the true glutton for punishment he is, Big D decided that he wanted to try out the necrons again in 5th edition and not use a c'tan. Here he is doing his best to muddle through the game, after discovering that the hydra flak tank removes an entire base of scarabs as it instant kills them, giving them no armor save or jet bike 2+ turbo boosting save. Ouch.
As we had recalled Necrons are just really a sub part codex at the moment. I hope they address this codex quickly giving necrons some more selections and viable army builds other than a c'tan.
The ork coptas are actually proxied destroyers in this game... we were playing at Hobby Town and Big D didn't bring the right models! For Shame!