WildEyedJester and Big-D's Doubles List

Well here it is. Last year Jester and I played in the doubles tournament at The Big Waaagh and it didn't go so well for us. We had brought what we thought would be a nice and balanced force composed of Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines that would put up a good showing.

We were wrong.

I don't remember if the worst beating we took came from the 6 Dreadnought list or from the Harlequin/Grey Knight force we fought.

Don't get me wrong, we had an absolute blast at The Big Waaagh last year, doubles tournament included. We signed up for it again as soon as it came up. But this year we want to have a better showing.

This year we are bringing the thunder.

We thought about going with Chaos Daemons and Imperial Guard. We thought it would have a nice synergy to it. Then we realized that if we didn't get the first turn Jester's IG would be looking at twice as many points across from him to open fire. After some debate we settled on having another go at the forces we brought last year - Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines.

Here is what we are rolling with for the Chaos Space Marines -

1000 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - The Big Waaagh - Doubles Tournament

HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 Pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 Pts
Close Combat Weapon; Fearless; Wings; Lash of Submission (x1); Mark of Slaanesh

HQ: Daemon Prince (1#, 155 Pts)
1 Daemon Prince @ 155 Pts
Close Combat Weapon; Fearless; Wings; Lash of Submission (x1); Mark of Slaanesh

Troops: Khorne Berzerkers (7#, 187 Pts)
6 Khorne Berzerkers @ 187 Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Furious Charge; Mark of Khorne
1 Skull Champion @ [61] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Power Fist; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Fearless; Furious Charge; Mark of Khorne

Troops: Chaos Space Marines (7#, 135 Pts)
6 Chaos Space Marines @ 135 Pts
Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Bolter; Meltagun (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Rhino
1 Rhino @ [35] Pts
Twin Linked Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers

Heavy Support: Land Raider (1#, 220 Pts)
1 Land Raider @ 220 Pts
Twin Linked Heavy Bolter; Twin Linked Lascannon Sponson (x2); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers

Heavy Support: Vindicator (1#, 145 Pts)
1 Vindicator @ 145 Pts
Daemonic Possession; Demolisher Cannon; Dozer Blade; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers

Total Roster Cost: 997

And here are their filthy little helpers - Traitor Guard -

1000 Pts - 5th Edition Roster - Jeremy Yates

HQ: Company Command Squad (6#, 135 Pts)
4 Company Command Squad @ 135 Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Lasgun (x1); Meltagun (x3); Chimera
1 Company Commander @ [0] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Refractor Field; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Senior Officer
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 150 Pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 150 Pts
Leman Russ Battle Tank
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank @ [150] Pts
Battle Cannon; Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (1#, 190 Pts)
1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 190 Pts
Leman Russ Battle Tank
1 Leman Russ Battle Tank @ [190] Pts
Battle Cannon; Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Plasma Cannon Sponsons (x2)

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 Pts)
0 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 Pts
1 Vendetta @ [130] Pts
Extra Armor; Searchlight; Twin-linked Lascannon (x3)

Fast Attack: Vendetta Gunship Squadron (1#, 130 Pts)
0 Vendetta Gunship Squadron @ 130 Pts
1 Vendetta @ [130] Pts
Extra Armor; Searchlight; Twin-linked Lascannon (x3)

Troops: Penal Legion Squad (10#, 80 Pts)

Troops: Infantry Platoon (26#, 185 Pts)
1 Infantry Platoon @ 185 Pts
4 Platoon Command Squad @ [30] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x4); Lasgun (x4)
1 Platoon Commander @ [0] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Junior Officer
9 Infantry Squad @ [50] Pts
Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x9); Flak Armour; Lasgun (x9)
1 Sergeant @ [0] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
9 Infantry Squad @ [105] Pts
Frag Grenades; Close Combat Weapon (x9); Flak Armour; Lasgun (x9); Chimera
1 Sergeant @ [0] Pts
Flak Armour; Frag Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon
1 Chimera @ [55] Pts
Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Turret Multi-Laser

Total Roster Cost: 1000