We are the Hogs of War, and this is our blog! It centers around our passion for Warhammer 40k, Games Workshop Miniatures, and all the other great systems we squeeze in between!
Tamiya Weathering Master
When I started my Traitor Guard my first tank came out entirely too clean. Having never tried to weather a tank before, I was drawn to this neat little kit. It consists of a makeup style container and three colors ranging from light sand to mud. It works marvels! After you seal the model (never do this before you seal it) you simply take the little brush and sweep some of the dust particles on your model. It accumulates in the low spots and sticks really well to the spray finish on your model. You can use the sponge end if you want to make streaks or thick accumulations in an area. The kit was cheap and I have used it now on about 15 vehicles, so it goes a very long way. I give it a solid thumbs up if you are looking for an inexpensive but quality weathering product.