New Heads from Chapterhouse Studios

Chapterhouse Studios has some greens up of some new Space Marine heads they are working on.

 Up first are the Spartan style heads. You see a lot of demand for this type of head around the net. I have seen a few companies do a head like this, but this one of my favorites that I have seen.

Next is what they are calling a pre-heresy Ultra Marine head. I don't know, these just look a bit 'off' to me. So far Chapterhouse has been really good about listening to feedback so hopefully they make a few changes to these before they ship them off to the casters.

And lastly we have my favorites form this batch, the zealot themed helmets. I just really like these. They would work for Chaos Space Marines, or for regular Space Marines. They just look rough and barbaric.

I have ordered some heads from Chapterhouse before and have been really impressed with the quality. These greens look a bit rough, but so did the preview pics of the heads I ordered and they ended up being crazy smooth and finished. So far I haven't heard any real complaints about this company so lets hope they keep up to their past standards.