Patriot Games Starts Today!

Today is the big day - Patriot Games!

For those of you who don't know Patriot Games is the annual Warhammer Tournament put on by one of the local game stores up here - T-Shirt Explosion. I believe this will be the 8th or 9th year of this event. This will mark the third year that The Hogs of War have participated in this event.

The first year Jester took first and I came in second. The next year The Hogs of War pretty much swept the even - Jester came out overall, I won best sportsman, Cap'n Woodrow won Best Army, bsimon won best general, and Little Boy Blues took home best painting.

This year we hope to repeat our domination of this even but it looks like we are going to be facing tougher competition. In the past this has been a one day, three event affair. This year it has expanded out to a two day, five game event. This will draw in tougher opponents, as well as make you keep on your toes for an extra two games.

I'll try and post pictures of the event as it unwinds, and will hopefully be able to post a couple of updates from what is sure to be an exciting evening of gaming.

You can check out the players list here, and there is even a bit of tournament prediction, analysis, and smack talk going on here.