Great Moment in Gaming - Big D Larger than Life

To me some of the best fun involved in a tournament is simply getting to the venue and hanging out with friends. The Hogs have also recently made it a pre-tourney ritual to always eat breakfast together before the tournament. I claim it helps clear the mind, but really its just about hanging out with everyone else.

Of course, between games we like to get together and discuss the next scenario, how we just got our rear handed to us, or grab some quick grub. It great to have a series of folks to game with regularly, and it it wasn't for the team approach we never would have snagged this gem of a photo....

Big D was simply eating a breadstick and listening to a question off in the distance. I used my mad camera skills to snap this shot of BIG D and as you can see it is solid gold artwork level photography. I just had to share the photo. Oh and good luck getting that image out of your head...