More Dryads -> Pink Horrors

John over at posted this a while back -

Substitute Pink Horrors

I am slowly putting together a daemon army for 40K, which I fit in around working on my IG, Blood Pact, Ork, Chaos marines, and Vrak armies.

I am of course, as mad as a mad thing.

Anyway, I don't like metal models because of their weight, cost, storage problems, and my superglue allergy and I don't much like the Pink Horror models in particular. One of the other bloggers suggested looking at substitute models, notably Dryads.

So I did.

The Wabbit Daemon likes them as well.


PS I have it on reliable authority that they are purple - pink, purple, what's the difference. It all looks the same to me.

Great job on the Pink Horrors John. If you guys aren't checking out his blog you definitely need to. He has some really solid posts over there. Be sure to check it out if you haven't!